Traveling Europe together with the person you love is an extraordinary experience. It’s something that many couples dream of doing and even spend years planning and saving for.
It wasn’t an objective of ours, specifically, until we found ourselves rather suddenly relocating to Germany for Mr. Meena’s training. We began traveling Europe together because we wanted to take advantage of our time there. Our travels were born from opportunity.
As we traveled we started doing things we’d never done before; we experienced different cultures, tried new foods, and observed strange customs. Traveling was a constant stream of things we hadn’t encountered before. As we journeyed to foreign places we learned new things about each other and relearned things we’d forgotten over time. We had renewed appreciation for one another. In fact, part of the reason that I love to travel so much is that it allows to me know Mr. Meena in a deeper way. Our ordinary, everyday circumstances don’t necessarily prompt actions and reactions from him that teach me more about him.
I absolutely loved our year of traveling Europe together, so I’m chronicling our experiences. Here’s some of what I learned about my husband as we took every possible mode of transportation as far as it would take us during our time abroad.
On Traveling Europe Together.
Holiday Park, Germany.
 450 km
Our first overnight trip together in Europe. Booking a rental car and driving on the autobahn. Having an enlightening German breakfast at the hotel. Celebrating your 25th birthday, riding new coasters together – your 200th coaster, in fact – and even being videotaped by a film crew.
 I experienced your passion for coasters in a new way and loved taking in all the details of the German theme park with you.
Munich, Germany.
 560 km
Spending Thanksgiving in Munich. Traveling there via local trains and taking Koopa on his first trip within Germany. Figuring out how to take the subway. Walking around the incredibly beautiful Christmas Markets while snowflakes started to fall. Trying out new foods and walking until we were exhausted.
  I learned that you love massive pretzels and really hate being cold. I remembered that you’re very skilled at navigating maps and directions (while I tend to get lost).

Tannheim, Austria.
 690 km
Celebrating our second anniversary in the Alps. Troubleshooting an unplanned rental car exchange in Ulm.  Walking to the frozen lake near our rental and enthusiastically throwing rocks across the ice. Taking a day trip to Neuschwanstein Castle and disliking it equally.
  I learned that you have built fires all your life and you’re very good at it.
Stuttgart, Germany.
 400 km
Attempting to travel light for the first time. Being terrified to climb up a steel tower (even though you assured me – as an engineer – that it was perfectly safe). Staring in awe at the beauty of the Stuttgart library. Having a wonderful time wandering around and wishing we could stay longer.
  I learned that you will happily carry my jacket and occasionally insist on visiting museums.

Mannheim, Germany.
 230 km
Being stunned by the seemingly tropical birds in the local park. Eating lunch in the sky while we enjoyed a slowly rotating view of the city. Learning that city breaks aren’t so bad after all.
  I learned that you tend to be quietly selfless; you rarely complain when you don’t want to do something that’s important to me.
Karlsruhe, Germany.
 70 km
Arriving in a downpour and being overwhelmingly soaked by the time we made it to the hotel. Discovering that practically the entire city was under construction. Standing in the middle of the street discussing history together. Watching people ice skate in front of the palace.
  I learned that authentic movie experiences can make you really happy (and that you are willing to sacrifice a lot of sleep in order to have them).
Worms, Germany.
 330 km
Seeing the spot where Martin Luther stood during the Diet of Worms. Finding Reese’s in a gas station (and purchasing them without hesitation).  Having no idea why you were so excited about a bridge tower – until I saw it. Accidentally trespassing because our translation skills were sub par.
  I learned that you are quite good at trip planning and that I love acting a bit childlike with you.
Gemünden, Germany.
  110 km
Taking a mostly unplanned trip together. Struggling to find a path to the castle ruins. Having so much fun with a sweet lady at the tiniest pizza place we’ve ever been to. Searching endlessly for a cemetery that we never found.
  I discovered that you enjoy making any situation fun – especially the mediocre ones.
Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
  1340 km
Watching the countryside roll by outside our window on our longest train journey together. Finding tulips in unexpected places. Taking our first boat tour and staying in our first hostel. Being humbled, curious, and fascinated as we explored together.
  I realized just how lovingly protective you are.
Tarragona, Spain.
  2700 km
Riding Dragon Khan at Portaventura after you’d waited nearly 20 years to do so. Going the extra mile when my pain and the parks’ policies weren’t compatible. Looking out at the gorgeous blue water and stuffing ourselves with fresh strawberries. Walking the narrow streets, greeting the friendly locals, and wishing that we never had to leave.
 I learned that the simple things in life will always make you happy.
Berlin, Germany.
  960 km
Pushing ourselves beyond our limits. Walking in the rain because we refused to give up any moment of our already short trip. Seeing famous sites that prompted unexpected emotion. Discovering how much we love Vapiano.
  I learned that you really, really love currywurst, you’re not easily impressed, and you can be surprisingly stubborn.
Europa Park & Tripsdrill, Germany.
 670 km
Driving through the black forest in awe and wanting to stop and take in the sights every five minutes. Having fun at the parks riding the intense rides and the silly little ones, too. Talking about how much my Dad would have loved to be there.
 I realized that I’m starting to love the coaster trips almost as much as you do, and that you’re the best coaster partner I could ever ask for.
On Traveling Europe Together: we loved it because we learned & relearned things about one another. Share on X
This post is linked up with Fly Away Friday, Wanderful Wednesday, and Monday Escapes (with the hosts Claire and Lisa).
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Featured photo and above photo by Rebekah Jackson photography.
Above photo modified by My Meena Life.
Train symbol is a public domain image created by Purodha.
Plane symbol is a public domain image by McSush.
Car symbol by Freekpik licensed under CC 3.0 BY.
Couple symbol by Flaticon.Â
What a lovely post! I'm glad you and your husband were able to get so much out of your travels together in Europe. On a different level, I've noticed that most of my deepest friendships have been with people who I've traveled with. If you think about it, I guess that makes sense, because you see what these people are really like – both the good and the bad – when they're removed from their normal environment.
Thank you! You bring up a good point; I’ve also traveled with a few of my friends and it definitely introduces a different, deeper, more lasting dynamic to the friendship.
great post!
Love this! So romantic <3 It´s true we learn so much more about each other when we travel and explore together! It´s just the best thing in the world when we get to share so many amazing places with our loved ones. #FlyAwayFriday
Thank you! You’re absolutely right. 🙂
What a lovely post. Such an beautiful way , to not only document your activities, but also the things you realise along the way which makes your relationship deepen as the miles are travelled. #flyawayfriday
Thank you!
This is so sweet 🙂 My husband and I have been in China together for about 9 months now, and traveling together has been such a crazy, cool, challenging, life changing experience. I wouldn't trade it for anything 🙂 #FlyAwayFriday
I’m so glad you and your husband have experienced the joys of traveling together too!
This post is incredibly adorable. I love the creative format you used. I hope you two have many more opportunities to travel and learn together!!
Thanks so much Sarah!
Well this is a bit cute! I loved reading it, sounds like you guys have had some awesome adventures together. #wanderfulwednesday
Thank you!
Thank you!
I absolutely love traveling with my husband because you get to experience new things with your partner. It sounds like y'all really did take full advantage of your time in Germany and got to visit some really cool places!
We absolutely did! Glad y\’all can travel together too. 🙂
Traveling with your partner is one of the greatest adventures ever! I love traveling with my husband. Hes my partner in crime, my buddy, my photographer haha and it has made our relationship incredibly strong as we've had to work our way together through some struggles. Hope you're all settled back in to the US! #WanderfulWednesday
That’s great to hear, Lori! And thanks!
Awww such a sweet post! Travel is awesome to get to know your partner better!
Awesome guys! Its really great when you visit such a great place with your loved ones. I wish the same. Me & my hubby planning to visit Malaysia this year end. After reading this post I am so excited. Thanks for sharing.
I’m excited for you – I hope it’s a great trip!
So Sweet! I live in the UK so i've seem my fair share on Europe but I would love to give myself a couple of months to travel around and see that smaller places rather than just a few days here and there in the captials! Thanks for sharing! #WanderfulWednesday
The big cities are always fun, but the small cities can be very charming and memorable!
What a great trip / would love to do something like this #mondayescapes
Agree traveling with the person you love is the best thing in the world! Your post is so lovely. It made me think of all the adventures I have shared with my husband. 200th roller coaster? You have to write more about that! #MondayEscapes
Thank you Ruth! Yes, my husband is a coaster fanatic. I plan on interviewing him about his love of roller coasters and sharing it on the blog soon. It should be fun!
This is just too sweet! A couple that can travel together can weather any storm! I’m such a believer in that! What a great way to fall in love all over again. I actually had goosebumps while reading this 😀
Thank you so much Lauren!
Aw love this post!! There's something so sweet and special about traveling with you significant other, its so much fun!!
Thanks, Chloe!
Awww I love this! I travel with my boyfriend too and it's so much fun! Thanks for joining Fly Away Friday, see you again this week! xo
Thanks, Kana!
What a wonderful way to capture the ordinary, yet special moments of your travels. You really can learn so much about someone by taking these kids of trips. Travel is not just about places, it's about the people you share it with. Lovely post! Thanks for sharing this with #MondayEscapes
Thank you! I’m glad you feel the same way. 🙂
Awww, that's so sweet and a really creative way of writing.
The picture at the top is really beautiful, too 😀
Thanks, Eardy! That photo was taken in Bamberg by a professional photographer. 🙂
Love this! So romantic <3 It´s true we learn so much more about each other when we travel and explore together! It´s just the best thing in the world when we get to share so many amazing places with our loved ones. #FlyAwayFriday
Thank you! 🙂 It really is the best thing.