Mr. Meena loves all things buffalo. This makes cooking easy, because when all else fails I can just combine buffalo sauce and shredded chicken and he is happy. But it gets even better because cilantro and buffalo sauce are a match made in food heaven. If you are super organized and prepared, you can probably use some of the shredded chicken in your freezer. I used to live that life, before I gave up my crockpot (sigh) and freezer space […]
Category: Recipes
Chocolate Banana Smoothie
Earlier this year I tried this smoothie by Oh She Glows and it was a game changer. I have had it for breakfast almost every morning for the past month because it is that satisfying. I have gradually changed the recipe, through trial and error, until it was perfect for me.. Because I suffer from chronic pain, I try to consume spices like turmeric regularly. I prefer to cloak such spices in a smoothie. But even if I felt perfectly healthy I’d still make this […]