My Lupus Pregnancy: The First Trimester. | My Meena Life

My Lupus Pregnancy: The First Trimester.

I’m so excited to share the news of my lupus pregnancy!  I have to admit that I really didn’t expect the word ‘pregnancy’ to enter into my personal vocabulary in 2017.  It has been a whirlwind of prenatal education, doctors’ appointments, and brand new experiences over the past few months.  In this post, I’m going to share my first trimester lupus pregnancy journey with you partially because it’s a great way for me to document it but also because having lupus […]

A Day in the Life with Lupus. | My Meena Life

A Day in the Life with Lupus.

Have you ever wondered what life with lupus might be like?  As one of the 1.5 million people in the U.S. and about five million people worldwide with lupus, I want to share a day in my life with you. In case you aren’t familiar with lupus, I’ll give you a brief introduction.  Lupus is an autoimmune disease that makes your body self-destruct.  Normal, healthy people have an immune system that works properly and kicks into gear when there is […]

Daily Living with Lupus | My Meena Life

Taking One Day at a Time: Daily Living with Lupus.

This is a guest post by Brittany from NewLifeOutlook.  In this post, she is sharing tips on daily living with lupus, which range from dealing with skin rashes to coping with the reactions of others.  I hope you find it useful and educational.   Living with lupus sometimes requires you to slow down and take one day at a time. There’s no sense in pushing yourself so far that you become fatigued. Yes, there will be some days where you’ll […]

10 Things I Didn't Realize Would Happen After I Was Diagnosed with Lupus. | My Meena Life

10 Things I Didn’t Realize Would Happen After I Was Diagnosed with Lupus.

Being diagnosed with lupus was a bewildering experience for me.  Suddenly, everything made sense – the joint pain, the rashes, the fatigue, the swelling… the endless appearance of new and strange symptoms.  Yet, at the same time, nothing seemed to make sense.  No one in my family had an autoimmune disease; I’d barely even heard the word lupus spoken before. It’s been eight enlightening months since I was diagnosed with lupus, and I feel like I’m just starting to get […]

Going through the depths of my sickness with lupus.

In the Depths of My Sickness with Lupus (and Learning to Put My Health First).

I’ve been absent from this blog since my last post in early June, although my posting frequency had been slowing down since the beginning of the year.  I didn’t choose this three month blogging hiatus.  In fact, I was more or less dragged away – down into the depths of my sickness with lupus.  I was too sick to put even the shortest of blog posts together, and for a while I had no idea when I would be well enough […]

Using Hemp Based CBD Oil for Chronic Pain (Product Review). | My Meena Life Sponsored Content.

Using Hemp Based CBD Oil for Chronic Pain (Product Review).

Living with chronic pain and illness has driven me to the edge of my sanity at times, and once or twice it’s taken me right over the edge into delirium.  I’ve tried so many different things to relieve my chronic pain from fibromyalgia and lupus.  This includes trying ice, heat, exercise, salt baths, bed rest, massage therapy, physical therapy, and at least a dozen medications.  I will keep trying things as much as my ability and finances allow (I have a […]

When Your Spouse Is Also Your Caregiver (+ Tips for Easing the Burden) on My Meena Life. Photo by Josh via Pexels.

When Your Spouse Is Also Your Caregiver (+ Tips for Easing the Burden).

I recently wrote a post about how thankful I am for my spouse as a chronic illness sufferer.  And while that post was completely truthful, it only shared one side of the story.  I’ve found myself thinking lately that I want to share how hard it can be when your spouse is also your caregiver.  Even though Mr. Meena is a great husband, there are times when he has said or done hurtful things due to the stress of being […]

Tips for Cooking with Chronic Pain and Illness. | Photo by Nicole via Flickr.

Tips for Cooking with Chronic Pain.

One of the most difficult things about living with chronic pain and illness is that life must go on no matter how terrible you feel.  We must eat, drink, and have shelter – these things are fundamental requirements for living.  (Along with coffee, yes?)  Yet, those of us that are chronically ill know that cooking with chronic pain can be extraordinarily difficult, especially if you also have dietary restrictions, suffer from appetite loss, or are trying to feed a family.  For […]

The Chronic Disappointment of Chronic Illness.

The Chronic Disappointment of Chronic Illness.

We were supposed to have an adventure today.  I had it all planned – the directions, the hike, even the post-trip burger indulgence. Lupus had a different plan for today.  One that included a 24 hour headache, extreme fatigue, and a nearly non-functional body.  So I’m sitting at home – probably giving myself a first degree burn with my heating pad – instead of going for a hike.  And I’m thinking about the sudden, inevitable, disappointing side of chronic illness. I […]

On Being Thankful for My Spouse as A "Spoonie". Photo by Ben via Flickr.

On Being Thankful for My Spouse as a Chronic Illness Sufferer.

Mr. Meena: husband, engineer, son, roller coaster fanatic, birdy daddy extraordinaire. My spouse is all of these things and more.  But his most recent title is “carer”.  My husband cares for me, but not just in the usual manner of a husband caring for a wife.  He is a carer; he takes care of me because, as a chronic illness sufferer, I can’t always take care of myself. While any chronically ill person has huge burdens to bear, it may […]